Sunday, March 02, 2008

Through the Looking Glass

Today was the first day of the Baha'i fasting period, which lasts for nineteen days from March 2nd through March 20. March 21st marks the Baha'i New Year and the end of The Fast.

The first day of the Fast, for me, was not picture perfect. I did not wake before dawn to pray and eat, as was my intent. I have been suffering from insomnia for the past month and last night was no exception. I did not fall asleep until about 3:00am and somehow I missed the 5:00am alarm. I am guessing my subconscious mind realized I had only been sleeping for two hours and thought, "forget it."

When I did wake at 9:47am, I was disappointed, but went along with the day as I had planned. I ate and prayed, then readied myself to travel by train to the Baha'i House of Worship in Wilmette. My friend Jeremy sings with the choir on Sundays, and I both desired to hear the choir and see him. I have not figured out how to be punctual with this public transit system, especially long distance. Unfortunately, the train route has been under construction, and there were extra delays today, making me miss the performance. (I haven't made to one yet). When I called Jeremy to see if he was still there, I found he had stayed home sick. So, I arrived at the temple and ascended the steps, found a seat inside, and began to pray.

It's a wonderful place to be, that temple. The energy inside and around it is indescribable. The peace my heart feels is something I've tried to mimic in my daily life. I am discovering that prayer is one of the ways to accomplish this. I am not sure how long I stayed in the temple today, but I realized quite a few things as I meditated.

I need prayer like I need food. That is one of the messages fasting is known to send, and I am truly receiving it. I don't know how I've survived with so little daily spiritual nourishment up to this point. I also need to nourish my body better than I have. I have been exercising semi-regularly and dabbling in nutritional research, but I think I should kick my devotion up a notch. Physical health is not just a good idea, it's imperative.

Two books I've picked up for nutritional reading that I've found most intriguing:

Fit for Life, by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond
I'll have the Fruit & Grains Please! by Victoria Leith

So, already I am benefiting from this time of reflection and restraint. I am looking forward to the next eighteen days. :)


Anonymous said...

Temples of Truth. Truth is big, so it's hard to fit a lot of people in there at one time. "Stop shoving me against the wall!" "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! It's cramped in here, you know...Stupid Truth relaxing while the rest of us can't enjoy ourselves."

I know what you mean about needing prayer just like you need food. I stayed away from prayer for a very long time because I feared that if I did it too much, I would lose my old self, the crazy, funny guy, and would become one of those "religious people."

As I said a long time ago to myself and still stand by this, everything comes with a price. Stay cool, funny, and have a likable personality and don't pray. Or pray, and risk becoming one of those calm spiritual guys you see on T.V. The kind that many people find smug and unlikable because they want to feel the same way, and see someone else doing it while they are not.

As for myself, I hope to retain some of my old self, the crazy, cool, funny guy now that I have embarked the Ship of Truth (God, that was cheesy), but if I don't then I I'll have to live with that. I was just watching the "Behind the Music" of Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam, and saw how he changed so much from on the inside and his overall personality. It took him nearly thirty years to retain a little bit of his old personality again. That's a long ass time! Insh'Allah I won't have to lose so much of myself in my journey. But who knows but Allah. It's a rhetorical question, don't answer! No! Don't! (Darkened clouds...) "Daddy?! Is it Judgment Day already?!" "I don't know. It wasn't supposed to happen until Friday! I have to pick up a Cake!"

Matt-the Pseudo Spiritual/funny/hardcore guy who doesn't know anything other than that he knows nothing.

Wonder Chuckles said...

Dear Matt,

I know that there are many calm, cool, spiritual, funny, people who have very likable personalities. :) I'm betting "those guys on TV" are trying to be serious so that they will be taken seriously. I think prayer can only aid in bringing such qualities together into one being. They just don't seem contradictory. One can be spiritual without forgetting how to have fun with life. I know you'll find the way. I intend to do that.
