Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Run Rabbit

working on my art is the only thing in this world that makes me feel alive and fills the emptiness this life brings.
it's why I was so on fire about art school after hitting bottom back in Toledo
if I stop...I really do feel like a loser.
I've chosen to be an 'expert' on SOMETHING in this life.
just seems wrong to let it slide.
which is why I feel like a loser when I do...because I'm ignoring this awesome thing.
it's what calls my soul out into view
I feel like if I ignore it...I disappear.
and that people don't really see me.
and that I don't either.
we all see what I do for a living. we all see what I do for hobbies.
but not what is truly my heart and soul passion.
my zest.
I can't turn my back on it. can't let fear and lack of confidence stop me.
shut up big monster, this little girl must speak.

"[Her] heels hitting heavily on the pavement at first but with an effortless gathering out of a kind of sweet panic growing lighter and quicker and quieter, [she] runs. Ah: runs. Runs." -Rabbit Run