Friday, April 11, 2008

La Dolce Vita (Italian: The Sweet Life)

"There should be beds in these computer labs. I'm always here. Other schools do that."

-Yours Truly, 4/11/08

The second quarter has begun with more urgency than the first. I had enough transfer credits from my degree and an impressive enough portfolio to skip over a year of coursework. Wow. I kind of knew that would happen, but experiencing the jump from last quarter's foundation classes was my reality check. I don't recall feeling a sense of accomplishment such as this, nor feeling so ready for the challenge I am currently facing.

I am taking computer courses this round, learning Photoshop CS3, the art of typography in Illustrator, and taking a survey class that will give me a taste of graphic design, media arts, and animation. I am training myself outside of class to ensure that I learn these tools (and others) well so that I don't rely on the instructors to touch on everything that could make me a valuable animator...cuz they won't. I talk to the people who will be at the finish line in order to find out what I need to work on by then. I want to be ahead of the game, and from what I've read in the success stories coming out of this school, doing everything you can to get ahead is the only way to fly. I spend a lot of time in the computer lab and talking to the people around here. I am exhausted at the end of each day, but it's a good feeling.

Last night, I attended an annual event called FAME (Fashion and Media Extravaganza), which "is a compilation of top student design and media work from The Illinois Institute of Art – Chicago, featuring high fashion to quirky independent short films and animations." ( There was a feature model for the fashion show, Heather Kuzmich from ‘America’s Next Top Model’. A recent graduate, Kristin Rosynek Hassan debuted her new ‘organiK revolution’ clothing line, as a member of the Chicago Fashion Incubator at Macy’s. NBC 5’s Art Norman served as emcee for the media show and encouraged everyone to tune in at 10:00pm to watch the coverage. (I was actually in the elevator with that guy before the show, ha!) This event is a pretty big deal, and the common view is that any student from this school is stupid not to show up. I can see why. I was so psyched after the media arts half of the show, knowing that I was watching the best and also knowing how much work must have gone into each feature. I know where that line of success is now, and I am aiming beyond it.

The fashion show was amazing as well, to my surprise. I've been so turned off to fashion and fashion shows for various reasons, from the plastic personalities of the emcees to the badly designed sets and choice of music, and the fact that most of the stuff out there just shows too much skin. I just saw no class...until last night. "This is undiscovered talent we're seeing tonight," said Art Norman in his introduction to the event. Yes, I saw proof of that through and through, with this set, the choice of music, the clothes and creativity and CLASS! Every model looked wonderfully dignified in each dress or ensemble they displayed. I was so impressed and I enjoyed every minute of it. I especially enjoyed viewing the "wearable art" when a model walked out in a dress that made her look like a giant red carnation with a head, arms, and legs. Hehehe! Well done though!

I shared this experience with two new friends. That's right, local FRIENDS. I finally had a wonderful time attending a great event with people who are nice, smart, and already accept me for who I am, even if we're just starting to get to know each other.

Thank you God. I was getting pretty lonely.